So Much To Talk About…


The best thing about cutting your teeth in regional radio is that you get thrown into every single radio shift as well as every other job in the station. No big ego’s allowed. Everyone pitches in to keep the whole thing pumping along, on-air and off-air.

22 year old Dee Elferink (Right) with co-host Clint Branagan (Left), 96.9 SUN FM ALICE SPRING, 1992

22 year old Dee Elferink (Right) with co-host Clint Branagan (Left), 96.9 SUN FM ALICE SPRINGS, 1992

Long weekend shifts, mid-dawn shifts, breakfast shows, mornings, panelling ‘The John Laws Show’, panelling the AFL all day, afternoons, drive, late night request hours and ‘Buy, Swap & Sell’ shows where you have all the callers lined up in a row.   


Apart from on-air shifts, you sometimes get the gig of reading news bulletins, jumping in the radio station prize vehicle and doing live crosses while driving around town giving away cool stuff and voicing radio commercials for clients back in the studio production booth.

Over the years, I have done it all. Here are some samples of all that crazy fun.  

22 year old Dee Elferink (Left) with co-host Clint Branagan (Right), 96.9 SUN FM ALICE SPRINGS, 1992